Monday, May 31, 2010

New Jersey

A couple hours after my disaster of a date with Bill, Eric showed up at my door. I was glad to see him, to be completely honest, since I hadn’t seen him since he was all vampire-napped. I’ve been a little worried, and not without reason. We’re twice bonded, and I guess it was easy to put that out of my head for a while, but feelin’ him in such pain when he was taken… I could feel that. I didn’t like it, not one bit, so I’m bettin’ it was a whole lot worse for him. It was real nice to see that super vampire healin’ put to good use. You never would’ve known he’d been hurt just by looking at him, which was quite the relief. He didn’t seem to want to talk about the ordeal, and I couldn’t blame him.

But he wasn’t visitin’ to talk about that. He came to ask if I’d go to New Jersey with him and a bunch of his crew. Well, I guess he sorta was visitin’ to talk about that. The trip to Jersey was to track some of the people in charge of takin’ Eric, and as he told me, takin’ Bianca, which really seems to have shook him. He didn’t really say what happened to her. I saw her on the plane and in the car and everything, and she looked fine, if… uh… on edge… but physically fine. He said she’s still healin’, though, so maybe that explains her bein’ even more scary than she usually is. And then poutin’. I don’t think I’ll ever really understand vampires…

Anyway, this Jersey trip apparently somehow involves Jo’s family, since they’ve been doin’ not-so-legal things, I guess. It must be really hard for her to have to hunt down her own family with us, but I’ll do my best to make sure that anyone not involved in the drainin’ stuff is kept out of it. That’s part of why I’m involved. I’ve got to read people and make sure no one dies who doesn’t have to. It’s a kinda scary job, actually. People don’t always think the right things at the right time, and it’s not like anyone’s actually goin’ to be standin’ around thinkin’, “Oh, I’ve never harmed a vampire, it was all x, y, and z doin’ that stuff.” No one ever thinks anythin’ really convenient. If people could go around thinkin’, “I’m the killer!”, my job would be a lot easier. What if I miss something? Or I’m wrong about someone? This is Jo’s family we’re talkin’ about here; I can’t afford to be makin’ mistakes.

I’m glad to be helpin’ anyway, even if the job does have my nerves on edge. Like I told Bill, even though there’s risk involved, I’m glad to be able to help if it’ll keep even one extra person alive. Eric gettin’ drained like he did was awful and inhumane, vampire or not, and I saw the way he was about whatever happened to Bianca. People’s friends and loved ones gettin’ kidnapped or killed just to make a profit isn’t somethin’ I can just stand by and watch when there’s a way I can help. I’m not kiddin’ myself thinkin’ I’ll be able to do more than any of the vampires on this trip, and there certainly are a lot, but hopefully I’ll be able to contribute in some way and not get too badly hurt in the process. Seems I’m always hopin’ for that last one…